
Roebling Suspension Bridge - Cincinnati, Ohio

Hello and Welcome,
I'm Todd.
A freelance photographer from the Midwest, creating unique fine art, landscape, and architectural images.
My services center around creating the finest imagery for print, wall art, marketing, and web design.
I take an artistic approach to photography. Many of my landscape images resemble paintings and other forms of art. My architectural photography is greatly influenced by my experience as an Architect over the last four decades.
I first held a camera at ten years old, photographing areas like the Finger Lakes in Upstate New York near my boyhood home. Over the last three decades I have enjoyed a successful career as an Architect while photographing Columbus, Indiana, a city renown for its architecture and design. 
Like many of the arts, photography and architecture heighten our senses through the creative use of light, form, and composition. 

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